Several times a year, you likely free up space by storing seasonal clothing. Proper storage is necessary if you want your dry-cleaned items to be ready to wear when the time comes. Let’s go over some storing techniques that will safeguard your dry-cleaned clothing.

Before storing, Use a Dry Cleaning Delivery Service

You should never store soiled garments. First, stains and odors might develop during storage, making it more difficult to clean the clothes when it’s time to wear it again. Additionally, the stains and odors may attract insects. Then, an insect infestation could cause your clothing to develop holes. Contact a dry cleaning delivery service at the end of the season to refresh your clothing. Once it is returned, you will be able to store it.

Choose a Climate-Controlled Storage Area

Next, you must consider where you will keep your clothing. Unless the attic is insulated and climate-controlled, it is not a good idea to store your clothing there. You must instead select a temperature-controlled environment. In addition, choose a dark location so that your clothing is not exposed to UV radiation.

Many individuals store their clothing beneath their bed or in another closet. For instance, if you have a guest bedroom, you can store your seasonal clothing in its closet. Then, your apparel will have the necessary winter and summer protection.

Select What to Hang versus Fold

Then, you must examine your garments and determine which ones to hang and which ones to fold. Fold garments that can be stretched easily. This includes knits and sweaters.

On the contrary, wrinkle-prone garments must be hung. A laundry service in Newtown will return wrinkle-free garments, which may be maintained by hanging them on hangers. Dresses, suits, dress shirts, and blouses are included.

Folding and Storing Clothing

Some individuals choose cardboard boxes for folded clothing storage. However, as cardboard attracts insects, you may encounter an infestation when you retrieve your garments from storage. Additionally, cardboard does not repel moisture. A leak could therefore destroy your clothing if you store it in a cardboard box.

Choose plastic containers instead. Then, insert tissue paper that is acid-free between each folded item. Place one garment atop the next, but do not overstuff the container. You must allow your garment to breathe. Additionally, place heavy items on the bottom and lighter garments on top. This will also allow the garments to breathe during storage.

Garment Storage on Hangers

Next, you will need to hang your garments. Choose hangers made of wood or padding for your apparel. After placing the items on hangers, you must safeguard them by placing them in garment bags. Do not utilize plastic clothes bags. Plastic prevents clothing from breathing. You should instead use cotton clothes bags. The material will safeguard your apparel while allowing air to circulate.

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